Hack That Broken Zipper! | Hackaday
We’ve all been there. That sad day when the zipper on our favorite hoodie, bag, or pair of pants breaks in some seemingly irreparable way. But there is hope, and [Magic Stitches] is gonna show you how to make some common repairs using household items and, in some cases, just a little bit of easy hand sewing. After a warm up with a kitchen fork, the video moves on to more significant problems.
The first problem — a chewed-away zipper bottom — is quite common, but requires no sewing to fix. As you’ll see in the video below, all it takes is a drinking straw, some hot glue, a lighter, and a pair of scissors to recreate the plastic bit that keeps the zipper from splitting in twain.
Now the second issue concerns a pair of pants wherein the head has come off the static side of the zipper. This one seems impossible to fix, but [Magic Stitches] cuts into the static side about five teeth from the bottom, slides the head back on, and sews the bottom of the zipper together.
This one we take a little bit of an issue with, because it assumes that you can get your jeans on over your hips without needing the zipper head to be fully down. But what else are you going to do but throw the jeans away upcycle the jeans into a fanny pack or something to immortalize them?
For the third issue, we’re back to the poor red hoodie, which also has a run in the zipper tape. After cutting off the fuzzies, [Magic Stitches] sews it back together with a contrasting thread (presumably to help us see the repair). If they had used black, it wouldn’t show at all, except now there is just a tiny bit of pull on the hoodie where the snag was. Again, we’re saving a presumably beloved hoodie here, and some people like their repairs to show.
Finally, [Magic Stitches] has a duffel bag with a zipper that comes back apart once it’s been zipped. At first, they tried squeezing the zipper head with pliers while the zipper was still attached, but that didn’t fix the problem. By carefully cutting the end of the tape, they could slide the head off of the ends and squish both sides with pliers more effectively. This is probably the hardest repair of all because it involves threading the head back on. In the end, all you have to do is sew a few stitches across the end of the teeth and then sew the tape back to the bag.
Got a broken zipper box? You can fix that with 3D printing. Mystified about how zippers work? No need to be.
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