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This Week In Security: OpenSSH, JumbledPath, And RANsacked

This Week In Security: The UK Wants Your ICloud, Libarchive Wasn’t Ready, And AWS

OpenSSH has a newly fixed pair of vulnerabilities, and while neither of them are lighting the Internet on fire, these are each fairly important.

The central observation made by the Qualsys Threat Research Unit (TRU) was that OpenSSH contains a code paradigm that could easily contain a logic bug. It’s similar to Apple’s infamous goto fail; SSL vulnerability. The setup is this: An integer, r, is initialized to a negative value, indicating a generic error code. Multiple functions are called, with r often, but not always, set to the return value of each function. On success, that may set r to 0 to indicate no error. And when one of those functions does fail, it often runs a goto: statement that short-circuits the rest of the checks. At the end of this string of checks would be a return r; statement, using the last value of r as the result of the whole function.

1387 int
1388 sshkey_to_base64(const struct sshkey *key, char **b64p)
1389 {
1390         int r = SSH_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
1398         if ((r = sshkey_putb(key, b)) != 0)
1399                 goto out;
1400         if ((uu = sshbuf_dtob64_string(b, 0)) == NULL) {
1401                 r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL;
1402                 goto out;
1403         }
1409         r = 0;
1410  out:
1413         return r;
1414 }

The potential bug? What if line 1401 was missing? That would mean setting r to the success return code of one function (1398), then using a different variable in the next check (1400), without re-initializing r to a generic error value (1401). If that second check fails at line 1400, the code execution jumps to the return statement at the end, but instead of returning an error code, the success code from the intermediary check is returned. The TRU researchers arrived at this theoretical scenario just through the code smell of this particular goto use, and used the CodeQL code analysis tool to look for any instances of this flaw in the OpenSSH codebase.

The tool found 50 results, 37 of which turned out to be false positives, and the other 13 were minor issues that were not vulnerabilities. Seems like a dead end, but while manually auditing how well their CodeQL rules did at finding the potentially problematic code, the TRU team found a very similar case, in the VerifyHostKeyDNS handling, that could present a problem. The burning question on my mind when reaching this point of the write-up was what exactly VerifyHostKeyDNS was.

SSH uses public key cryptography to prevent Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks. Without this, it would be rather trivial to intercept an outgoing SSH connection, and pretend to be the target server. This is why SSH will warn you The authenticity of host 'xyz' can't be established. upon first connecting to a new SSH server. And why it so strongly warns that IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! when a connection to a known machine doesn’t verify properly. VerifyHostKeyDNS is an alternative to trusting a server’s key on first connection, instead getting the cryptographic fingerprint in a DNS lookup.

So back to the vulnerability. TRU found one of these goto out; cases in the VerifyHostKeyDNS handling that returned the error code from a function on failure, but the code a layer up only checked for a -1 value. On one layer of code, only a 0 was considered a success, and on the other layer, only a -1 was considered a failure. Manage to find a way to return an error other than -1, and host key verification automatically succeeds. That seems very simple, but it turns out the only other practical error that can be returned is an out of memory error. This leads to the second vulnerability that was discovered.

OpenSSH has its own PING mechanism to determine whether a server is reachable, and what the latency is. When it receives a PING, it sends a PONG message back. During normal operation, that’s perfectly fine. The messages are sent and the memory used is freed. But during key exchange, those PONG packets are simply queued. There are no control mechanisms on how many messages to queue, and a malicious server can keep a client in the key exchange process indefinitely. In itself it’s a denial of service vulnerability for both the client and server side, as it can eat up ridiculous amount of memory. But when combined with the VerifyHostKeyDNS flaw explained above, it’s a way to trigger the out of memory error, and bypass server verification.

The vulnerabilities were fixed in the 9.9p2 release of OpenSSH. The client attack (the more serious of the two) is only exploitable if your client has the VerifyHostKeyDNS option set to “yes” or “ask”. Many systems default this value to “no”, and are thus unaffected.


We now have a bit more insight into how Salt Typhoon recently breached multiple US telecom providers, and deployed the JumbledPath malware. Hopefully you weren’t expecting some sophisticated chain of zero-day vulnerabilities, because so far the answer seems to be simple credential stealing.

Cisco Talos has released their report on the attacks, and the interesting parts are what the attackers did after they managed to access target infrastructure. The JumbledPath malware is a Go binary, running on x86-64 Linux machines. Lateral movement was pulled off using some clever tricks, like changing the loopback address to an allowed IP, to bypass Access Control Lists (ACLs). Multiple protocols were abused for data gathering and further attacks, like SNMP, RADIUS, FTP, and SSH. There’s certainly more to this story, like where the captured credentials actually came from, and whose conversations were actually targeted, but so far those answers are not available.

Ivanti Warp-Speed Audit

The preferred method of rediscovering vulnerabilities is patch diffing. Vendors will often announce vulnerabilities, and even release updates to correct them, and never really dive into the details of what went wrong with the old code. Patch diffing is looking at the difference between the vulnerable release and the fixed one, figuring out what changed, and trying to track that back to the root cause. Researchers at Horizon3.ai knew there were vulnerabilities in Ivanti’s Endpoint manager, but didn’t have patches to reverse engineer. Seems like a bummer, but was actually serendipity, as the high-speed code audit looking for the known vulnerability actually resulted in four new ones being found!

They are all the same problem, spread across four API endpoints, and all reachable by an unauthenticated user. The code is designed to look at files on the local filesystem, and generate hashes for the files that are found. The problem is that the attacker can supply a file name that actually resolves to an external Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. The appliance will happily reach out and attempt to authenticate with a remote server, and this exposes the system to credential relay attacks.


The Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research have published a post and paper (PDF) about RANsacked, their research into various LTE and 5G systems. This is a challenging area to research, as most of us don’t have any spare LTE routing hardware laying around to research on. The obvious solution was to build their own, using open source software like Open5GS, OpenAirInterface, etc. The approach was to harness a fuzzer to find interesting vulnerabilities in these open implementations, and then apply that approach to closed solutions. Serious vulnerabilities were found in every target the fuzzing system was run against.

Their findings break down into three primary categories of vulnerabilities. The first is untrusted Non-Access Stratum (NAS) control messages getting handled by the “core”, the authentication, routing, and processing part of the cellular system. These messages aren’t properly sanitized before processing, leading to the expected crashes and exploits we see in every other insufficiently hardened system that processes untrusted data. The second category is the uncertainty in the protocol specifications and mismatch between what those specifications seem to indicate and the reality of cellular traffic. And finally, deserialization of ASN.1 data itself is subject to deserialization attacks. This group of research found a staggering 119 vulnerabilities in total.

Bits and Bytes

[RyotaK] at GMO Flatt Security found an interesting vulnerability in Chatwork, a popular messaging application in Japan. The desktop version of this tool is just an electron app, and it makes use of webviewTag, an obsolete Electron feature. This quirk can be combined with a dangerous method in the preload context, allowing for arbitrary remote code execution when a user clicks a malicious link in the application.

Once upon a time, Microsoft published Virtual Machines for developers to use for testing websites inside Edge and IE. Those VM images had the puppet admin engine installed, but no configuration set. And that’s not great, because in this state puppet will look for machine using the puppet hostname on the local network, and attempt to download a configuration from there. And because puppet is explicitly designed to administer machines, this automatically results in arbitrary code execution. The VMs are no longer offered, so we’re past the expiration date on this particular trick, but what an interesting quirk of these once-official images.

[Anurag] has an analysis of the Arechclient2 Remote Access Trojan (RAT). It’s a bit of .NET malware, aggressively obfuscated, that collects and exfiltrates data and credentials. There’s a browser element, in the form of a Chrome extension that reports itself as Google Docs. This is more data collection, looking for passwords and other form fills.

Signal users are getting hacked by good old fashioned social engineering. The trick is to generate a QR code from Signal that will permit the account scanning the code to log in on another device. It’s advice some of us have learned the hard way, but QR codes are just physical manifestations of URLs, and we really shouldn’t trust them lightly. Don’t click that link, and don’t scan that QR code.

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